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Cultivarea ardeiului iute
Cultivarea ardeiului iute

  1. Caracteristicile și generalitățile ardeilor iuți
  2. Cultivarea ardeiului iute: Expunere, Teren, Irigare, Fertilizare
  3. Înmulțirea ardeilor iuți
  4. Plantarea răsadurilor
  5. Maturizarea ardeiului iute
  6. Colecția ardei iute
  7. Conservarea ardeilor iute
  8. Lucruri de știut despre ardeiul iute
  9. Chilii calorii și valori nutritive
  10. Galeria foto cu ardei iuți

1.Caracteristicile și generalitățile ardeilor iuți

Ardeii iuți sunt mici plante arbustive cu tulpini erbacee, frunze ovate cu margini netede și flori albe micuțe.
Fructele sunt fructe de pădure cu dimensiuni și culori diferite (verde, portocaliu, roșu profund), în funcție de soiuri, oricum ușor de recunoscut de la cele dulci, deoarece majoritatea se dezvoltă în ciorchine întoarse în sus.
Ardeii iuți pot fi în forma de: mazăre, cireș, flacăra, turban turcesc, trabuc, con ascuțit sau trunchi, neted sau încrețit, drept sau curbat, sau ca o farfurie zburătoare.

Semințele conținute în fructe sunt în general de o culoare alb-ivoriu.

2.Cultivarea ardeilor iuți


Ardeii iute preferă locurile luminoase și însorite.


Preferă solurile umede, libere și bine drenate.


Au nevoie de udări regulate și abundente, în special în perioadele de secetă prelungită.


Efectuați fertilizări periodice cu îngrășăminte granulare cu eliberare lentă.

3. Înmulțirea ardeilor iuți 

Reproducerea ardeilor iuți se face prin semințe. Pentru a le multiplica se folosesc semințele conținute în fructe.

Semănatul în livada sau în ghiveci se efectuează în luna martie.

Când plantele au eliberat 4-5 frunze, acestea vor fi rărite la o distanță de aproximativ 30 cm.

Staining has never been easier!

You have finally bought some comfortable white pillows for your bed at home, but after a while you realize that they have turned yellow and dirty! We have the right remedy to make your pillows come back like new!
Unveiled the secret to always have white pillows!
Unveiled the secret to always have white pillows!

In this way you will again have white pillows yellowed.
There is nothing more beautiful than to be able to relax and rest resting your head on a clean and white pillow. Unfortunately, white pillowcases turn yellow immediately. How is it possible? This happens because when we sleep we sweat a lot, and most of this sweat ends up on the bed linen, turning it yellow in no time. You can verify all this by looking at the collar or the area around the armpit of a shirt that you used for a whole day, often it turns yellow.
Of course also the leather of ours helps to dirty and yellow the cushions. Often you won't be able to take it to the laundry, because it would fade a lot, but don't get discouraged. You can use this super fast cleaner, probably, you will already have the ingredients at home to make it happen!
Take note, on the next page, of the need to implement this miraculous solution.
250 ml of liquid detergent
The detergent you use daily
125 ml of white vinegar
150-200 grams of baking soda
mix the ingredients in a container together with 700 ml of hot water. Put this mixture in the drum of your washing machine and make a warm load of laundry. Then spread the cushions and dry them. Your pillows will be white again!
Tip: you can also use it for other non-colored laundry types! For example, the white duvet, the sheets or the white towels.

Adding aspirin to laundry can do wonders!
Adding aspirin to laundry can do wonders!
Adding aspirin to laundry can do wonders!

Even if you use the best detergents or a modern washing machine, nothing guarantees that your laundry will be white. Fortunately, there is aspirin, which you will probably already have in your medicine cabinet!
It will seem strange, but it really works!
White off
Even if you use the best detergents that promise miracles, you won't easily get rid of the yellow sweat stains. Moreover, with each wash, white clothes become increasingly opaque and dull. How can this situation be remedied? It's very simple; all you need is a medicine that you probably already have at home. The only things you need to make sure your laundry is candid are five 325 milligram aspirin tablets.
Melt the tablets in a large basin filled with hot water. Mix the water with the aspirin until all the tablets have completely dissolved. To speed things up, you can crumble them before putting them in water. After that, put the dirty clothes in the basin with water and aspirin and let them soak for about eight hours. You can also add some aspirin to the washing machine, but the soaking method works better. After soaking your clothes, you have to wash them in the washing machine.
Too often, after buying a beautiful item of clothing, about a month after the purchase, it starts to discolor. And what about black clothes that lighten in a short time? Fortunately, there is a simple remedy to solve this problem. All you need is some black pepper!
Discolored clothes
Discolored clothes are really a problem. Especially since when your clothes lose or change color, you are led to buy new ones - and then find yourself at the starting point with the same problem. It's time to solve the problem with this remedy! Add black pepper to the washing machine so that the laundry will return to its original colors. Say goodbye to faded clothes!
Here's how it works: put the faded clothes in the washing machine and add your usual laundry detergent. Then add a teaspoon of black pepper. Wash cold laundry. You will see that the laundry will return to have its original colors. How does it work? The soap residues quickly dull the colors of the clothes. Thanks to the consistency of the pepper, the soap residues do not adhere to the clothes. In this they will not fade.

Your neighbor's cats will disappear with this trick!

Even if we all love animals, we are not always happy when others' cats make their comfort in our gardens. Fortunately, there is a practical trick for this problem!

Your neighbor's cats will disappear with this trick!

Your neighbor's cats will disappear with this trick!

Cat problems
Cats are wonderful and cute animals, of course, but they become a little less cute when they pee, poop and dig in our garden. This can cause a lot of trouble for you and your garden, so you might want to look for some tips to avoid this! Because we are animal lovers, we don't like the idea of ​​frightening cats with chemicals or unpleasant methods that are not animal-friendly. We believe that keeping cats out of your garden can also be done naturally.
There are several ways to discourage cats from going into your garden, which are in no way harmful to the cat, but which work. For example, cats don't like certain perfumes, which means you can use them to keep them away.
After asking around, we discovered that many people have problems with neighborhood cats in their garden. Some people like to see those adorable animals running around in their garden, but other people prefer to move them away immediately. Everyone has their own methods for this too. The most common method is to try to scare the cat by screaming and waving its arms. Others go out with a glass of water to try and pour it onto the cat. Of course, these methods do not have the desired result. Some people are so frustrated they end up in the newspaper because they tried to shoot cats! That's not what we want, so we have some tips for you.
Ai gatti non piacciono gli odori dell’aceto e della scorza di agrumi.
Quindi, puoi tenere i gatti lontano dal tuo giardino abbastanza facilmente mettendo delle ciotole di aceto o scorze di agrumi in vari luoghi intorno al giardino (in particolare quei posti che il gatto ama andare). Il gatto starà quindi lontano da quei posti. Un’altra cosa è che i gatti odiano il pepe di Cayenna. Quindi vale la pena spargere una generosa quantità di pepe di cayenna nei posti dove vanno i gatti. Il gatto potrebbe iniziare a starnutire, questo ci dispiace, ma non gli farà del male.
Se non hai nessuno di questi prodotti in casa e non hai voglia di andare al supermercato, puoi provare anche ad usare l’aglio, il caffè macinato o il peperoncino. Conoscevi queste soluzioni naturali per allontanare i gatti?

See what happens in a week if you stick a rose in a potato! Unbelievable!

stick a rose in a potato
stick a rose in a potato

You can turn a rose into a rose bush in the blink of an eye!
Seeing a beautiful vase of flowers on the kitchen table brings joy, don't you think? But unfortunately the flowers can be quite expensive, especially considering that they last only a few days.

This is why we offer you a little trick to easily grow a beautiful bouquet of roses!
A rose and a potato
If you don't have a green thumb to take care of a beautiful flower garden, we have a very useful advice that will allow you to have the roses you've always wanted in no time! You'll always have flowers available, without necessarily having a green thumb. Extraordinary, isn't it? Everyone loves a nice vase of roses and, with this trick, you can always have them at hand. You will simply need a rose, a potato, a vase, a plastic bottle and some soil.
A rose and a potato? That's right! Although it seems strange, this trick really works.

Home & Garden

See what happens in a week if you stick a rose in a potato! Unbelievable!

Here's how to proceed:
Get a rose, remove the leaves and cut the head of the rose diagonally (about 3 cm away from the flower). If you wish, you can put the rest of the rose in a small vase for a very pretty decoration!

After preparing the rose, take a potato and create a hole the size of the rose stem, ensuring that the stem is firmly in place. Put 5 cm of soil in the pot, place the potato on the surface and finish filling the pot with the soil. Then, take the plastic bottle and, after cutting the bottom, place it gently on the stem that comes out of the ground. Water the rose around the bottle from time to time and watch your roses grow.

Maria Pescaru Design


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