Have you always found your neighbor's cats in your garden? This cat makeup will keep them away!

Your neighbor's cats will disappear with this trick!

Even if we all love animals, we are not always happy when others' cats make their comfort in our gardens. Fortunately, there is a practical trick for this problem!

Your neighbor's cats will disappear with this trick!

Your neighbor's cats will disappear with this trick!

Cat problems
Cats are wonderful and cute animals, of course, but they become a little less cute when they pee, poop and dig in our garden. This can cause a lot of trouble for you and your garden, so you might want to look for some tips to avoid this! Because we are animal lovers, we don't like the idea of ​​frightening cats with chemicals or unpleasant methods that are not animal-friendly. We believe that keeping cats out of your garden can also be done naturally.
There are several ways to discourage cats from going into your garden, which are in no way harmful to the cat, but which work. For example, cats don't like certain perfumes, which means you can use them to keep them away.
After asking around, we discovered that many people have problems with neighborhood cats in their garden. Some people like to see those adorable animals running around in their garden, but other people prefer to move them away immediately. Everyone has their own methods for this too. The most common method is to try to scare the cat by screaming and waving its arms. Others go out with a glass of water to try and pour it onto the cat. Of course, these methods do not have the desired result. Some people are so frustrated they end up in the newspaper because they tried to shoot cats! That's not what we want, so we have some tips for you.
Ai gatti non piacciono gli odori dell’aceto e della scorza di agrumi.
Quindi, puoi tenere i gatti lontano dal tuo giardino abbastanza facilmente mettendo delle ciotole di aceto o scorze di agrumi in vari luoghi intorno al giardino (in particolare quei posti che il gatto ama andare). Il gatto starà quindi lontano da quei posti. Un’altra cosa è che i gatti odiano il pepe di Cayenna. Quindi vale la pena spargere una generosa quantità di pepe di cayenna nei posti dove vanno i gatti. Il gatto potrebbe iniziare a starnutire, questo ci dispiace, ma non gli farà del male.
Se non hai nessuno di questi prodotti in casa e non hai voglia di andare al supermercato, puoi provare anche ad usare l’aglio, il caffè macinato o il peperoncino. Conoscevi queste soluzioni naturali per allontanare i gatti?

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